Starting University

Starting university can be a worrying time so here are some things to remember!

  • It’s easy to worry about not making friends – but remember everyone is in the same situation as you. The best way to meet new people is to join clubs/societies, go to your lectures and mingle with your flatmates. 
  • Freshers week – it’s easy to feel the pressure of freshers week and whilst it is a great time to meet people and make new friends, it doesn’t always need to be the best and most exciting week of your uni experience. Many post-grad students have said it’s overrated and the pressure to have the best time is too much. However, if you also have the best week then that is great, everyone’s experiences are different. 
  • Don’t feel pressure to drink – in freshers week and in general. If you would rather have soft drinks don’t let people make you doubt your decision. Plus there are freshers week events which don’t involve nor are associated with alcohol or nightclubs – head to your student’s union to find out more about.
  • Try to take advantage of every opportunity. From work experience to societies to grad balls, really try to say yes even if it is out of your comfort zone. You only go to uni once (normally) and you don’t want to regret anything when your time has finished. 
  • Try to manage your money as best as you can. Budget your money for the week: what’s needed for a food shop, for any books you need, socialising etc, this will help massively. If you are worried about money there are loads of part-time jobs around where you could pick up a few hours a week to help you if you need. 
  • Make the effort to go to your classes. The earlier you get into the routine of going to your classes the easier it will become.
  • It’s normal to feel homesick. 9/10 students feel homesick at some point and it’s totally normal. Give your family/friends a quick Facetime and arrange to go home one weekend. 
  • The most important thing you should know before starting university is to have fun – enjoy it! 

If you haven’t packed for university yet read our 10 essential items to take with you. 

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